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Career Services - Cover Letters

Cover Letter

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is an introduction to a resume that should explain why you are a good fit for a position based on your education, skills, and experience; laying the groundwork for a more extensive look into your educational and work based backgrounds.

Though there is still debate if a cover letter is necessary in this day and age, according to Resume Lab, 83% of hiring managers, recruiters, and HR staff consider a cover letter an important component in the decision making process of hiring an employee. Well written cover letters can also help make up for a less than stellar resume.

Keep in mind that some employers will not look at your resume without a cover letter!

What does a Cover Letter do?

In your cover letter, there is an opportunity to:   

  1. Promote yourself
  2. Create an impression
  3. Separate yourself from the competition

This is also the opportunity to explain the motivation to join the company, describing your career objectives and how they would benefit said company. Highlight educational and professional achievements that are relatable to this company and job opening, helping to stand out from other applicants. If there is an employment gap, and this will be evident on your resume, now is the time to explain and alleviate any concerns your future employer may have.

Building blocks of a Cover Letter

While there are several styles of a cover letter to consider, the building blocks that make up the foundation should always be the same.

✓ Your Name

It should go without saying, but ALWAYS spell your name correctly! If you go by another name, list your first name followed by alternate name requested in quotation marks. This give an opportunity to present a preferred nickname or first name that you would typically go by, while still giving your potential employer your given first name, preventing any confusion.

Example:    Jonathan “Johnny” Smith