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Registration (Add/Drop/Withdraw)


With the exception of adding or dropping a course with your advisor-provided PIN, all add, drop, individual course withdrawal, and complete withdrawal from school requests must be initiated through your academic/professional advisor. These registration-related requests may be initiated in person or through your school-issued email. These requests cannot be initiated over the phone.

Forms submitted in person may be signed at the time of submission. Forms submitted via email must be signed through RightSignature. All other signature methods are invalid.


Adding a Course

This action must be completed within the appropriate registration period for the course. Add/drop/withdrawal periods are published in the Academic Calendar.

To add a course:

  • Obtain a PIN from your academic advisor and add the course through the self-registration module in MyBridge.


  • Submit a complete (with appropriate signatures) Course Registration form to the Office of the Registrar in B2000 - Suite 012, Davis Hall - Mezzanine, or via email to [email protected]. Your BridgeValley-issued email address is the only acceptable method of submitting via email.


Dropping a Course

This action must be completed within the appropriate registration period for the course. Add/drop/withdrawal periods are published in the Academic Calendar.

To drop a course:

  • Obtain a PIN from your academic advisor and drop the course through the self-registration module in MyBridge.


  • Submit a complete (with appropriate signatures) Course Registration form to the Office of the Registrar in B2000 - Suite 012, Davis Hall - Mezzanine, or via email to [email protected]. Your BridgeValley-issued email address is the only acceptable method of submitting via email.


Withdrawing from a Course

To withdraw from one or more courses while remaining registered for at least one course in the same semester, your request must be submitted within the appropriate withdrawal period for the course. Add/drop/withdrawal periods are published in the Academic Calendar.

To withdraw from a course:

  • Submit a complete (with appropriate signatures) Course Registration form to the Office of the Registrar in B2000 - Suite 012, Davis Hall - Mezzanine, or via email to [email protected]. Your BridgeValley-issued email address is the only acceptable method of submitting via email.


Withdrawing from School (all courses within a semester)

To withdraw from school, your request must be submitted while all courses for which you are registered are within their respective withdrawal periods. Add/drop/withdrawal periods are published in the Academic Calendar.

To withdraw from school:

  • Submit a complete (all signatures except for Registrar) Withdraw from School form to the Office of the Registrar in B2000 - Suite 012, Davis Hall - Mezzanine, or via email to [email protected]. Your BridgeValley-issued email address is the only acceptable method of submitting via email.


What's the difference between a drop, an individual course withdrawal, and a complete withdrawal from school?

A drop is the removal of a course from a student's record. There is no tuition or fee charge for a dropped course. Course drops can only occur at the beginning of the course as published in the Academic Calendar.

A withdrawal results in a final grade of "W". While the "W" grade does not impact a student's grade point average (GPA), the course still counts toward attempted hours and may impact financial aid eligibility. There is a tuition and fee charge for withdrawn courses since the course resources cannot be reallocated to another student. Withdrawals occur after the course add/drop period as published in the Academic Calendar.

Similar to an individual course withdrawal, a complete withdrawal from school also results in final grades of "W". However, students are only eligible to completely withdraw from school if all courses for which they are registered are within their respective withdrawal periods as published in the Academic Calendar.

For example, if a student is registered for one first-ten-weeks (F10) course and four full-semester (FS) courses, the student will only be eligible for a complete withdrawal from school before the deadline to withdraw from the first-ten-weeks (F10) course has passed.

Depending on the timing of the request to completely withdraw from school, students may be eligible for a partial reduction in tuition and fees and/or may be required to return previously received financial aid.



Course Registration

Withdraw from School