Program Description: This program prepares students to safely provide out-of-hospital emergency medical care, as an entry level Paramedic. Students are taught all aspects of advanced life support in the EMS setting, including but not limited to: advanced airway adjuncts and management, emergency cardiology, traumatic life support, newborn and pediatric advanced life support, and many other lifesaving skills. The goal of this program is to prepare competent entry-level Paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains with or without exit points at the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician level.
The Advanced Life Support (ALS) training begins in the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) courses. After successful completion of the AEMT training, students will be eligible for the AEMT National Registry exam. The AEMT National Registry is not required to progress in the program, but it is an option for those students who wish to pursue AEMT certification during the course of the paramedic program. Students who successfully complete both AEMT and Paramedic training components will be eligible to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Paramedic exam. The AEMT to Paramedic Bridge Program is developed in alignment with The EMT-Paramedic: National EMS Scope of Practice and the National Education EMS Standards, using the same education standard that is required for traditional Paramedic Programs.
More About the Program
A valid National Registry and WV EMTB card must be possessed prior to entry into the AEMT and Paramedic courses, and maintained throughout the entire program.
Those students who wish to practice in West Virginia as AEMTs, will have to complete the West Virginia Expanded Scope of Practice. Those specific courses will be applied towards your remaining Paramedic course requirements. Students will have to successfully pass the West Virginia AEMT state exam in order to gain West Virginia AEMT certification. Students who successfully complete both AEMT and Paramedic Bridge components, will be eligible to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Paramedic exam.
Job Growth: 7%
Job Growth Highlights: The career outlook indicates that employment of Paramedics is projected to grow 7 percent from 2018 to 2028, faster than the average for all occupations. Emergencies, such as car crashes, natural disasters, and acts of violence, will continue to require the skills of EMTs and paramedics (
For More Information:
Paramedic Program Admission Criteria
The Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic Program is a selective admission program. Candidates must meet the admission requirements listed below.
All persons seeking admission to the Paramedic Program:
- Must be fully admitted to BridgeValley Community and Technical College. This includes the submission of Scores from standardized tests such as the American College Test (ACT), Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), ACCUPLACER or COMPASS, official high school transcripts or GED (or equivalency) score reports, and official transcripts from all previous colleges attended to the Admissions Office. For students wishing to purse the AAS in EMS, please see the placement guidelines for general education courses:
- Must also submit the EMS Paramedic Program Application to the EMS Paramedic Program Director, by January 1st, preceding the Spring semester. These applications will be made available on the website, Official copies of transcripts must accompany your application to the EMS Paramedic Program, and an electronic copy should be sent to the admission department (details in BridgeValley CTC online school application); however, an official BVCTC transcript listing all previous college credit is acceptable.
- All students must have a valid CPR card prior to admission that must also be maintained throughout the completion of the program.
- All Students: Must have a current, valid National Registry Emergency Medical Technician Basic (EMTB) Certification and WV EMTB certification, OR show evidence that you are approved as a State License Only EMTB for WV. AAS students are permitted to take the EMT-Basic course during the semester preceding the paramedic core courses, but they must possess a valid National EMT-B card and WV EMT certification prior to the first day of paramedic core classes. Failure to obtain an EMT-B card, will result in dismissal from the program.
- Advanced Placement Option Students: Must have a current, valid National Registry Advanced Care Technician (ACT) certification and WV ACT certification OR current, valid National Registry Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) and WV Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) certification.
- Must take the FISDAP Paramedic Entrance Exam. Students will be required to remediate any area scored below 70%. An approved remediation plan will be assigned to the student by the Program Director.
- Must have a valid, unencumbered driver’s license.
- Students should be aware that clinical agencies require students to pass a criminal background check and drug screen in order to have learning experiences in their facilities. This will require a criminal and traffic violation check. Other additional admission requirements, such as a screening interview, may be required. All students admitted must meet and be able to perform the Technical Standards of the Program and successfully pass a physical exam by their medical provider.
- The BridgeValley Paramedic program has been issued a Letter of Review by the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP). This letter is NOT a CAAHEP accreditation status, it is a status signifying that a program seeking initial accreditation has demonstrated sufficient compliance with the accreditation standards through the Letter of Review Self Study Report (LSSR) and other documentation. Letter of Review is recognized by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) for eligibility to take the NREMT's Paramedic credentialing examination(s). However, it is NOT a guarantee of eventual accreditation.
Other Information:
A separate application is required for admission to the EMST program. Information regarding the application process can be found on Students must meet eligibility requirements including drug screening, background check, and technical standards.
The science course (BIOL 210) must be taken within five years of admission. Once admitted into the EMST program, students have one academic year for completion. A valid WV E.M.T. must be possessed prior to entry into the program.
Paramedics are best defined as medical professionals who provide medical care at an advanced life support level in the pre-hospital environment, usually in an emergency, at the point of illness or injury. This includes an initial assessment, a diagnosis and a treatment plan to manage the patient’s particular health crisis. Treatment can also be continued en route to a hospital if more definitive care for the patient is required. Paramedics provide advanced levels of care for medical emergencies and trauma. The majority of paramedics are based in the field in ambulances, emergency response vehicles, or in specialist mobile units such as cycle response. Paramedics provide out-of-hospital treatment and some diagnostic services, although some may undertake hospital-based roles, such as in the treatment of injuries.
Accreditation Information
The BridgeValley Paramedic program has been issued a Letter of Review by the Committee
on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions
(CoAEMSP). This letter is NOT a CAAHEP accreditation status, it is a status signifying
that a program seeking initial accreditation has demonstrated sufficient compliance
with the accreditation standards through the Letter of Review Self Study Report (LSSR)
and other documentation. Letter of Review is recognized by the National Registry of
Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) for eligibility to take the NREMT's Paramedic
credentialing examination(s). However, it is NOT a guarantee of eventual accreditation.
CAAHEP Accredited Paramedic Programs and CoAEMSP Letter of Review (LoR) Programs track and report outcome measures annually to the Committee on Accreditation for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP). The most current CoAEMSP Annual Report was for the calendar year 2020. There were no graduates during the 2020 reporting year.
Paramedic Program Outcomes
National Registry Written Pass Rates:
2021 - 40%
2022 - 80%
National Registry Skills Pass Rates:
2021 - 100%
2022 - 100%
Retention Rate:
2021 – 59.3%
2022 - 90.9%
Post Program Positive Placement Rate:
2021 - 100%
2022 - 100%
CoAEMSP Website:
To contact CoAEMSP:
8301 Lakeview Parkway, Suite 111-312
Rowlett, TX 75088
Fax: 214-703-8992