What is Title IX? 

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” The regulations regarding Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 can be found on the Department of Justice website.

Our College's Title IX Team is charged with monitoring compliance with federal, state and institutional policies. This includes helping to maintain a safe and caring campus environment through prevention education and the investigation of complaints of gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct.

The College Sexual Misconduct Policy can be found here.


Confidential Employees

BridgeValley has employees who are available to offer victims of sexual assault support and guidance in a confidential environment. Individuals may choose this option if they want to talk about the incident but do not want any further action to be taken. Confidential employees can provide individuals with both immediate and long-term help. They will listen, and help access additional assistance and explain options for obtaining additional support.

Campus Counselor, Building 2000 #302C, 2001 Union Carbide Drive South Charleston, WV



To Make a Report 

If you have been a victim of gender discrimination or harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence or stalking, it is helpful to reach out to someone that you know and trust. For information, assistance in accessing services, or to make a report, you may contact any one of the following people.

Katrina Whitt, Title IX Coordinator
[email protected]
Office: Building 2000 #302A, 2001 Union Carbide Drive South Charleston, WV

Michelle Wicks, Title IX Deputy Coordinator/Investigator
[email protected]
Office: Building 2000 #303B, 2001 Union Carbide Drive South Charleston, WV

Rita Atha, Title IX Deputy Coordinator/Investigator 
[email protected]
Office: Davis Hall #216 619 Second Avenue, Montgomery, WV

Carla Blankenbuehler, Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Students 
[email protected]
Office: Building 2000 #032D, 2001 Union Carbide Drive South Charleston, WV



For the purposes of compliance with section 106.45 of the Title IX Final Rules, this page includes all training materials created by the Student Conduct Institute for member institutions to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process in Title IX compliance and practices.