BridgeValley is proud to participate in West Virginia’s Community and Technical College Systems Learn and Earn grant program. The Learn and Earn program is the leading workforce development, economic development, and educational partnership in the Mountain State. Learn and Earn connects employers with students through colleges, allowing students to take technical courses while gaining paid work experiences. The student pay is shared by the company and the college, and students receive at least $15 per hour to work in the field they are studying in.


Learn and Earn Internships

Need experience for your resume? Does your select admission  program require experience for acceptance? Looking for a job with flexible hours and a minimum of $15 per hour?

• Flexible Schedule
• Minimum Wage of $15.00 hour
• Hands on experience in field

Interested in participating? Have questions?

Please contact [email protected]

*Registered degree and employer program request must match. Limited space for each employer.



Learn & Earn - Connecting Local Companies with BridgeValley's Talented Students

Would you like your employees to have on-the-job training while earning their degree?

Workforce skills development continues to be one of the top priorities for businesses and industries throughout the region.  BVCTC makes it part of our mission to help companies meet these demands.  The Learn and Earn Program provides significant financial benefits to businesses while helping connect skilled workers with quality employment opportunities.

Learn & Earn allows students to take technical courses while gaining paid work experiences. The student pay is shared by the company and BVCTC; students receive at least $15 per hour to work in the field they for which they are studying.

Learn & Earn is the leading workforce development, economic development, and educational partnership in the Mountain State for a number of reasons:

  • 50/50 employer & college matching reimbursement
  • 1-year or 2-year degree programs
  • Students receive a minimum of $15/hour
  • Employer gains a highly-qualified employee and a future skilled labor pool
  • Students earn valuable on-the-job training while attending school

Let us help you pay for it!

Up to $2,000 per trained employee are available annually for West Virginia businesses for qualified training expenses.  These funds are limited though and are only applicable to certain industry sectors such as manufacturing and professional services.

Employers receive a 50% wage reimbursement for student-employees who are working in their field and earning a minimum of $15.00/hour while actively enrolled as a student.  The program offers a pathway for students to find employment, earn a wage and establish roots in communities across West Virginia while also earning a degree.  Additionally, the Learn & Earn program provides a financial incentive for employers to hire West Virginian workers.

BridgeValley’s experienced professionals work with students and employers to arrange customized training courses, design curriculum for specific courses, and identify students for specific positions.

If you would like more information about Learn & Earn or to explore ways BridgeValley can help you develop your workforce, please contact: [email protected] or 304-205-6629.