Associate of Applied Science

Cyber Security and Networking Technology


The Associate of Applied Science degree in CYBER SECURITY AND NETWORKING is a two-year program that prepares graduates for entry level positions the field of cyber security and network engineering. The program provides general background in computer repair; computer networking; internetworking; enterprise computing practices; implementing and maintaining security on computers and networking equipment; and assessing security risks using industry best practices. The breadth of coverage provides students with a multi-skilled entry-level information technology “jack of all trades” with a high degree of career flexibility in large business organizations and the ability to independently handle the information technology needs of small and medium size businesses.

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Advanced Placement Credit for High School/Vocational-Technical Center/College Programs
High school level computer science, computer repair (A+), or computer networking (Cisco) subjects are not necessary for entrance into the Computer & Information Technology program. Beginning subjects are part of the program. The student who has completed such vocational courses, however, may receive advanced placement. Articulation and dual credit agreements are in place with various high schools and vocational-technical centers. Advanced placement is also available to the student with prior college experience. Please contact the department chair for any specific questions.


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Cisco Networking Academy Logo

Cisco Networking Academy® is a global education program that teaches students how to design, build, troubleshoot, and secure computer networks for increased access to career and economic opportunities in communities around the world.
The academy provides online courses, interactive tools, and hands-on learning activities to help individuals prepare for Information and Computer Technology (ICT) and networking careers in virtually every type of industry.

Learn more about the Cisco Networking Academy here:

Watch a video about the Cisco Networking Academy here:


