Diplomas are processed by a third-party on the last business day of each month. Please allow 2-4 weeks for processing and delivery. The duplicate diploma fee cannot be waived under any circumstances.




Join us in our celebration of summer and fall 2024 graduates and spring 2025 graduate candidates!

    Friday, May 9 at 6:00PM
    Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center
    200 Civic Center Drive
    Charleston, WV 25301
    Students participating in the ceremony must arrive between 4:30-5:30PM and follow the signage to the staging area. Appropriate regalia is required and there is no secure storage for personal items.
    Guests may arrive as early as 5:00PM. Ushers will be available.
    Guests in need of accessibility accommodations may contact Charleston Coliseum and Convention center at 304-345-1500.

Commencement is a ceremonial event and is not an official indication of credential completion. Students identified within the program are considered candidates unless already certified by the Office of the Registrar. Certified credentials are recorded on official academic transcripts.

NOTE: To be considered for graduation, a formal graduation application must be submitted by the date published in the academic calendar.

Candidates for graduation are evaluated based on the catalog in effect at the time they declared the major unless one of the following is true:

  • A student interrupts his/her study for two consecutive semesters excluding the summer term (readmitted students will be placed in the effective catalog at a the time of readmission)
  • A student elected to move to newer catalog at the time it was in effect
  • A student meets the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of graduation

Credential requirements vary by program and it is the student's responsibility to ensure they're on track to meet their program requirements. All applicable supporting documentation (e.g. course exceptions, OJT hours, standardized credit, etc.) must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the last day of the semester in which the student applies to graduate. Graduation candidates taking courses under transient student status must ensure a final official transcript is received by the Office of the Registrar no later than ten (10) calendar days after the conclusion of the semester. All questions and concerns regarding specific program requirements should be directed to the student's academic advisor.

Graduation requirements for associate-level degrees from BridgeValley Community and Technical College includes the following:

  1. A minimum of 60 credit hours of college-level credit with a minimum of 15 credit hours taken in residence at BridgeValley. Board of Governors, AAS students are only required to earn three credit hours in residence at BridgeValley. Additional associate-level credentials must ​have a minimum of 15 unique credit hours from previously earned associate degrees.
  2. An overall 2.0 cumulative grade point average.
  3. An overall 2.0 institutional grade point average. (Board of Governors, AAS students are not subject to this requirement.)
  4. An overall 2.0 grade point average in the student’s major field as outlined in the college catalog. (Board of Governors, AAS students are not subject to this requirement.)
  5. Completion of all program specific requirements as outlined in the catalog.
  6. Completion of all required assessments as outlined in the catalog.
  7. Fulfillment of all obligations to the college.

Graduation requirements for certificate-level programs from BridgeValley Community and Technical College includes the following:

  1. A minimum of 30 earned credit hours with a minimum of eight credit hours taken in residence at BridgeValley.
  2. An overall 2.0 cumulative grade point average.
  3. An overall 2.0 institutional grade point average.
  4. An overall 2.0 grade point average in the student’s major field as outlined in the college catalog.
  5. Completion of all program specific requirements as outlined in the catalog.
  6. Completion of all required assessments as outlined in the catalog.
  7. Fulfillment of all obligations to the college.

In determining Commencement ceremonial and graduate honors, the student’s cumulative institutional grade point average (GPA) is utilized. The cumulative institutional grade point average does not include any course below the 100-level or transfer courses.

At Commencement, recognition is given to students who have achieved special distinction in their studies. Eligible spring graduate candidates are recognized with ceremonial honors based on their most recent institutional cumulative GPA. Once final grades are received, it is possible for previously recognized honor students to lose honor status. When this happens, no honors will be recorded on the student's academic transcript. Previous summer and fall graduates who participate in Commencement are recognized based on their final cumulative institutional GPA.

A student must have earned 12 or more GPA credit hours at the College to be eligible to receive honors. Final honors will be recorded on the student's transcript as follows:

  • Summa Cum Laude – A student must attain a 3.75 or higher cumulative institutional grade point average.
  • Magna Cum Laude – A student must attain a 3.50-3.74 cumulative institutional grade point average.
  • Cum Laude – A student must attain a 3.25-3.49 cumulative institutional grade point average.

Upon conclusion of each semester, the Office of the Registrar evaluates each graduation application individually. This process typically takes between 4-6 weeks depending on the size of the graduating class. As credentials are certified, they are immediately indicated with an award date on unofficial transcripts within MyBridge.

Once an award date is present, official transcripts can be requested through National Student Clearinghouse at National Student Clearinghouse official transcripts and degree verifications are the only official means of confirming credential status. Diplomas are ceremonial documents and are intended for display purposes only.

Diplomas are printed and mailed by a third-party and the Office of the Registrar is unable to update mailing addresses once the diploma order has been submitted. Undelivered diplomas may be returned to BridgeValley's South Charleston campus if the mailing address is invalid. In those instances, the diplomas can be made available for pick up. All other replacement diplomas must be ordered through the Duplicate Diploma Request form at the regular replacement diploma fee. The duplicate diploma fee cannot be waived under any circumstances.

Diplomas are typically processed and mailed at the following intervals:

  • Fall diplomas are mailed between February 1-15
  • Spring diplomas are mailed between July 1-15
  • Summer diplomas are mailed between September 1-15